Haydn Wood - symphonist!
We knew from the London Musical Courier (September 12th, 1908) that Haydn Wood hoped 'to complete his first Symphony within the next few weeks'. In January 2006, we discovered at the B.B.C. Written Archives his own list of what he considered to be his 'more serious works'. And there it was - his Symphony in D minor! Haydn Wood signed this typewritten list in 1951, and as you can see below, the score and parts were then at his alma mater the Royal College of Music in London.
In February 2006, we asked the R.C.M. Librarians to scour the Library for the Symphony. They did not unearth it then. Moreover, they did not give us much hope that they ever will. A visit to the R.C.M. Library in August 2007 brought new information. Haydn Wood submitted his Symphony to the Royal College of Music Patron's Fund in 1909. The examiners agreed that it was suitable for trial rehearsal which took place on May 13th, 1910, with a view to a performance at the next Patron's Fund Concert in July. It is not known whether the Symphony was approved. The fact remains that the concert was postponed on account of the death of King Edward VII and that the symphony was not performed at the next Patron Fund's Concert on January 23rd, 1911. Where is this Symphony manuscript now?!? Please mail to haydnwoodmusic@yahoo.ca
This page last modified 26 March 2008.
© Marjorie Cullerne and Gilles Gouset,
All rights reserved